
ボルドー歌劇場(フランス)、マルセイユ歌劇場(フランス)など様々な歌劇場で客演歌手として契約を結び、ルツェルン歌劇場(スイス)、カッセル国立歌劇場(ドイツ)にて専属主役バリトン歌手として活躍。テル・アビブ(イスラエル) にてペルゴレージ作曲のオペラ『奥様女中』出演。ポツダムサンスーシ音楽祭(ドイツ)にて「税密の結婚」、クロスターノイプブル音楽祭(オーストリア)にて「ドンパスクワーレ」ドンパスクワーレ役、「愛の妙薬」ドゥルカマーラ役で大きな成功を収める。 近年は指揮者として活動の場を広げ宗教曲、交響曲、オペラなどを指揮する。バリトン歌手、指揮者として数多くのCDをリリースする。 また、飛行機操縦士の資格を持ち、自家用飛行機の操縦士への教育も行っている。

My Voice Visualized

For the 2021 Venice Biennale, the photographer Marco Borggreve was tasked to make photos of singers in the act. I traveled to his studio in Amsterdam and had an amazing time with him and his assistant. This is No. 2 from a series of three. Photo by Marco Borggreve MORE NEWS

What Stravinsky Did When He Was 64

There are a few reasons why I feel a connection to the Stravinsky Concerto in D, his string symphony. First, because I am Swiss and the work was commissioned by the Baseler Kammerorchester to celebrate their 20th anniversary, second because I conducted it when I was a student, and third because it is a work […]

Which of these statements is true?

I actually look like this when I wake up. It’s amazing what that first cup of coffee can do. I’m traveling incognito and figured this was the best way to not get recognized. I’m playing this guy tonight for the eleventh and last time on this run. It’s my human scarecrow look. Do you think […]

Efficient Communication with ATC

Efficient communication is a key element to safety in aviation: many misshaps and accidents result from poor communication. This post can help pilots, that are used to fly within the united states, that intend to fly in germany, but contains also general information related to communication with ATC. AVIATE, NAVIGATE, COMMUNICATE Speak clearly. At small […]

Meeting Mozart in Mannheim

Even as I have spent the last two decades in opera houses focusing primarily on singing roles, performing on stage as an actor / singer, I began my career as a conductor, and so this has always accompanied my perspective of the repertoire as I studied and performed it. Now as I embark on a […]

Quick Reference German WX Briefing

Welcome to a quick overview, how to get a Weather Briefing for a VFR Flight in Germany. It is not a complete „manual“, for details consult a flight instructor or weather briefer. The website www.flugwetter.de (subscription required) offers various aviation weather reports, forecasts and analysis. Every product is accessible from two places: Produktübersicht (Product Overview […]

Ressources for Learning Pilots

During the last years of working with many great learning pilots, each one trying to achieve his next aviation goal, I noticed, that there are some topics that come up repeatedly. On this page I would like to share some Ressources that helped me understand some concepts – especially related to recurring questions from pilots […]

Flying Simplified

I would like to share this article, written by Paul Furnee in March 2017 – legendary flight instructor. FLYING SIMPLIFIED To start with, it makes learning to fly a whole lot easier if you have a basic understanding of some of the aeronautical terms and anomalies particular to small training aircraft. It is easier to learn, if you […]

Flying the Lake LA-4-200

N9777 S/N 471 During the training for my seaplane rating with Paul Furnee, i started to take notes. The notes became more and more, so that i decided to turn them into this report. This document does not substitute any legal document and does not replace thorough training in the aircraft. According to Paul Furnee, […]