Quick Reference German WX Briefing

Welcome to a quick overview, how to get a Weather Briefing for a VFR Flight in Germany. It is not a complete „manual“, for details consult a flight instructor or weather briefer.

The website www.flugwetter.de (subscription required) offers various aviation weather reports, forecasts and analysis. Every product is accessible from two places:

Produktübersicht (Product Overview Page)
Drop Down Menu


Recently the DWD added the „DWD FlugWetter-App“ for smartphones and tablets – check it out, it contains a long list of features which makes it easy to get an overview (GAFOR, METAR, TAFs, LowLevel SWC, Satellite, Radar and more).

Call WX-BRIEF???

Somehow – yes – you can get a similar service like in the U.S. – but not for a similar price (free) – instead of calling a 1-800-Number you will dial a 0900 number (1,24EUR per minute).

0900 1 077 224 (Frankfurt Region)
0900 1 077 220 (Global Number)

Product overview


General Aviation Forecast, which gives you an overview about FORECASTED conditions within different sectors of the country.

Select GAFOR Deutschland from the Produktübersicht or
Select GAFOR from the Dropdown Menu


Produktübersicht: Warnungen (Sigmets, Airmets)
Dropdown Menu: Warnungen

WINDS and Temperatures ALOFT

Select GAFOR from the Dropdown Menu
Select „Bereich Mitte“, „Bereich Nord“ or „Bereich Süd“ for your region

Find Winds and Temperatures aloft for your sector


Select Radar Deutschland from the Produktübersicht or
Bilder from the Dropdown Menu


Can be found on the Produktübersicht or in the Dropdown Menu


Can be found in the Produktübersicht: Wetterkarten allgemeine Luftfahrt (Low Level SWC DL) or
Wetterkarten allgemeine Luftfahrt from the Dropdown Menu


Grafical forecast for places over the country including: Clouds, Temp/Dewpoint, Wind, Precipitation and more

Produktübersicht: Allgemeine Wetterkarten – Meteogramme or
Allgemeine Wetterkarten from the Dropdown Menu


With some luck, you can translate the textual with a web translator, that can be educational and fun too…

Produktübersicht: Drei Tages Prognosen (DL Mitte, DL Nord, DL Süd)
Dropdown Menu: Berichte

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